Some dogs have a habit of digging in and around the cushions on chairs and sofas.
This habit can become expensive if the dog digs vigorously enough to tear the upholstery fabric and expose, or even remove, the stuffing.
Why Dogs Dig At Your Furniture
The ancestors of our modern dogs had no comfy beds or couches to lounge on, so when they wanted a comfortable spot to lounge, they’d simply make one.
Dogs today retain the instinct to do that. Dogs who spend time outdoors will dig a nest-like depression in the soil or dry grass that comfortably fits their body contours, and lounge there, alternately napping and surveying their territory.
Why a Digging Dog Can Be a Problem
How To Live With a Dog That Digs
One possible answer is obvious – keep the dog off the furniture, period. Provide your dog with their own personal blankets and pillows that you do not mind getting ruffled up.
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