If you are thinking about getting a pet for your home, you might want to consider a guinea pig. Guinea pigs, also called cavies, are lovable furry little critters that will bring you a lot of joy. In addition, guinea pigs can be a perfect first pet for children because they are easy to care for and more cuddly than a hamster and or fish. Here is some more information to help you determine whether a guinea pig is the right pet for you. [Read more…]
Grooming Your Guinea Pigs
Keeping a guinea pig as a pet is not as difficult as grooming it. A well-groomed guinea pig can become an object of admiration in your home, but a badly groomed guinea pig will shower you with plenty of bad compliments. So, why take the chance of spoiling your impression as a bad pet lover? Simply, learn some tips of grooming your cute guinea pig. Not only are the well-groomed guinea pigs pretty to look at but are healthy and happy reflecting that you care for them. Read on to know about some grooming tips for your own guinea pig. [Read more…]
What’s The Best Small Animal To Get For A Pet?
Pets are a wonderful addition to any household as they have numerous benefits. For starters, pets often teach valuable lessons of responsibility as they require care and attention like any other living things which in turn leads to a sense of pride and fullness of life. Also, pets provide a close companion and joy to their owners as animals are loving creatures who strive to bring happiness to us humans. Pets are a common sight in many neighbourhoods today as it’s hard not to stumble across a lounging cat or a dog bouncing around a local park. [Read more…]