Your new pet is your new baby, and one of the most fun things to do is to come up with a name for the new member of your household! Unlike human names, you can be a little more creative with a pet name, because you don’t have to worry about it being teased on the playground or how their name might affect their future careers. [Read more…]
A List Of Common Fish Diseases And Their Symptoms
There are a lot of diseases fish can suffer from, and a majority of them are infections. Some of the common parasites are bacteria, flukes, ich, argulus, chilodonella, saprolegnia, etc. The following is a list of the most common diseases in aquarium fish with their brief descriptions. [Read more…]
A Guide To Buying New Fish
It’s very important as part of your plan for having a successful aquarium to take note of the type of inhabitants, the main one being the type of fish. Never buy fish before finding out about its requirements first. [Read more…]
Tips On Caring For Your Fish
Most species of fish generally are not too challenging to take care of. We do not need to carry them to take walks, they don’t make noise and they can’t throw away, then again a little bit of safe guarding as well as care and attention is required. Make a bit of basic research ahead of purchasing your own fish, plus understand what a person’s fish will be needing prior to bringing them home. If you want to own healthy, content fish, build and upkeep an agenda and your fish will probably flourish. [Read more…]
Picking The Right Aquarium Type
Aquariums have evolved into a very popular hobby, with millions of aquarium and tropical fish enthusiasts worldwide.
Starting in the 1850s (when the predecessor of the modern aquarium were first being developed as a novel curiosity) the ranks of aquarium keeping has grown as more sophisticated systems including lighting and filtration systems were developed to keep aquarium fish healthy.
However before you can get started in the hobby you must first buy an aquarium. When you get to the pet store or specialised aquarium store you will have lots of aquarium tanks to choose from: [Read more…]