Cats are what are known as obligate carnivores. An obligate carnivore is one that must eat meat. You cannot just turn her out to graze in a pasture. The digestive tract of cats has been shortened and optimized for proteins from meat. They simply don’t have the dental or digestive apparatus to process plant materials. [Read more…]
Tips for Training Your Cat
You can’t train a cat, like you can a dog. If you try to, you’ll probably cause behavioural problems later on. But you can teach it not to perform bad habits. But most times the owner will have to change to fit in with the cat. [Read more…]
How Kittens Learn to Hunt
Cats have been famous for hunting mice and rats for as long as cats and people have been together. As strange as it may seem to some people, cats are not born knowing how to hunt. It is a skill they learn from watching their mothers. If the mother cat is a good hunter, then her kittens will learn to be good hunters. Interestingly, kittens seem to learn the best from their mothers. They do not seem to learn as well or as quickly from watching other adult cats. [Read more…]
The Importance of Understanding Your Cat
Are you a new cat owner? If so, there will come a point in time when your cat becomes “just like one of the kids.” However, until that time arrives, it is up to you to understand your cat and the small signals that he or she may be sharing with you. [Read more…]
Is Your Cat Ready for Toilet Training? Here’s 5 Ways You Can Tell
At the end of a long day, who wants to sift through a messy litter box? Certainly not me. Up until now, the litter-box has been a necessary evil, a small price to pay for our beloved companions. But not anymore. In fact, there’s an underground alternative designed for those of us who are ready to kick the litter habit: toilet training your cat.
Sounds complicated, right? Not at all. Although far from mainstream, cat toilet training is gaining momentum and cat owners across the country are beginning to embrace the trend. But before you toss that box in the trash, there’s a few ways to tell if your cat is ready to take the leap into a litter-free lifestyle. Think Fluffy has what it takes? Read on. [Read more…]